This post isn't about anything adventurous or new. It isn't about taking leaps of faith and trying menacing food. It's about comfort food. And mine comes from Bakmi GM.
Okay, I have a confession to make before we start. I HATE Bakmi GM's noodles. I know, everybody loves 'em. I can stand 'em only when I have it yamien. I hate the fact that it's so thin and doesn't taste noodle-y at all. Hate on me, hate on me. BUT, I LOOOVE these two menus. They're so good, there's nothing that can come close in this city.

Since I was a wee kid, my mom has been feeding me this, especially when I'm sick. It's warm, soft, so easy to eat, the rice tastes so buttery and it melts in your mouth, and when eaten with the hot broth, everything just comes together. When you're sick and you can taste nothing, you'll still taste the warmth and the softness of this dish. It's the DEFINITION of comfort food. This is even better than a huge bowl of Velveeta macaroni&cheese (my other comfort food). Satu kata yang bisa mendeskripsikan nasi tim GM: gurih. Gurihnya itu pas. Meresap di setiap potong ayamnya yang lunak, di setiap sendok kuahnya yang panas. Duh, pokoknya the best dish in GM.

Pertanyaan satu: siapa yang nggak tau pangsit goreng GM. Pertanyaan dua: siapa yang nggak suka pangsit goreng GM??!!?!?!?! Kayaknya jawaban dari kedua pertanyaan itu adalah nggak ada. Tekstur dari pangsit goreng ini belum pernah gue temui dimanapun selain di GM. Dicelup di saos nya yang juga merupakan saos puyung hai itu, rasa asam manisnya pas banget sama rasa enaknya tepung digoreng. Dan prize nya adalah mata pangsitnya men. Dikala di sekitarnya digoreng crunchy dan super crumbly, ayam di tengahnya itu lembuuut banget. So moist. It's the best thing in the world. It's so absurdly good.
Apa yang kedua dish favorit gue ini have in common? Gue udah mencari ke pelosok2 jakarta, dan nggak ada satu pun nasi tim atau pangsit goreng yang rasanya mendekati. Kalo ada yang nemu, kasih tau gue, dan kalo gue setuju, gue traktir lo setengah porsi pangsit goreng GM.
Okay, I have a confession to make before we start. I HATE Bakmi GM's noodles. I know, everybody loves 'em. I can stand 'em only when I have it yamien. I hate the fact that it's so thin and doesn't taste noodle-y at all. Hate on me, hate on me. BUT, I LOOOVE these two menus. They're so good, there's nothing that can come close in this city.

Since I was a wee kid, my mom has been feeding me this, especially when I'm sick. It's warm, soft, so easy to eat, the rice tastes so buttery and it melts in your mouth, and when eaten with the hot broth, everything just comes together. When you're sick and you can taste nothing, you'll still taste the warmth and the softness of this dish. It's the DEFINITION of comfort food. This is even better than a huge bowl of Velveeta macaroni&cheese (my other comfort food). Satu kata yang bisa mendeskripsikan nasi tim GM: gurih. Gurihnya itu pas. Meresap di setiap potong ayamnya yang lunak, di setiap sendok kuahnya yang panas. Duh, pokoknya the best dish in GM.

Pertanyaan satu: siapa yang nggak tau pangsit goreng GM. Pertanyaan dua: siapa yang nggak suka pangsit goreng GM??!!?!?!?! Kayaknya jawaban dari kedua pertanyaan itu adalah nggak ada. Tekstur dari pangsit goreng ini belum pernah gue temui dimanapun selain di GM. Dicelup di saos nya yang juga merupakan saos puyung hai itu, rasa asam manisnya pas banget sama rasa enaknya tepung digoreng. Dan prize nya adalah mata pangsitnya men. Dikala di sekitarnya digoreng crunchy dan super crumbly, ayam di tengahnya itu lembuuut banget. So moist. It's the best thing in the world. It's so absurdly good.
Apa yang kedua dish favorit gue ini have in common? Gue udah mencari ke pelosok2 jakarta, dan nggak ada satu pun nasi tim atau pangsit goreng yang rasanya mendekati. Kalo ada yang nemu, kasih tau gue, dan kalo gue setuju, gue traktir lo setengah porsi pangsit goreng GM.
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