So....I had ice cream for breakfast. hahaha yep today me and Bram started our day a little early to get a seat in Magnum Cafe. Siapa sih yang nggak tau Magnum Cafe??? Notorious for its crazy queue, people hesitate to go and try its magnificent delights. I'm going to give you a little introduction to the place where you're closest to heaven that you'll ever be.
Magnum Cafe awalnya buka untuk mensupport campaign Magnum yang gila-gilaan. Pertama-tama buka, antrenya kayak antri air di padang pasir. Puaaaanjang bener. Gue juga awalnya ciut. Namun, gue menemukan fakta bahwa sebenernya antriannya itu dua lapis! Lapis pertama yang nggak nahan adalah orang-orang yang mau dine-in, dan lapisan kedua yang seringnya kosong melompong adalah orang-orang yang mau take-away. Gue pun mencoba take away an nya.
Take Away: kalo lo mau take away, ada dua pilihan. Magnum ketengan yang kayak lo bisa beli di indomaret, atau magnum yang datang dari surga. Sekarang gini aja deh. Ngapain lo jauh2 ke GI cuma buat beli magnum yang ada di supermarket terdekat?? Magnum dari surga ini adalah magnum yang bisa lo kreasikan sesuai hati lo. Vanilla atau coklat? (VANILLA) Dicelup dark atau milk chocolate? (MILK) Lalu pilih 2 topping. Toppingnya ada dua kategori, King's atau Prince's. King's itu kayak kacang2an macam almonds hazelnuts etc. Prince's itu biskuit2/sereal, seperti choco crunch, choco rice, vanilla dan oreo cookies etc. Favorit gue yang sudah sangat tried and true adalah VANILLA COOKIES DAN CHOCO CRUNCH. Widih milk chocolatenya itu lho yang nagih. Gue sih makan 1 aja, kalo Bram yang beneran Magnum Mania, 3 atau 4 biji sekaligus. Kayaknya dia sangat cocok jadi maskot Magnum. He thinks it's more addictive than weed. Oh iya harga, kalo lo pesen Prince's, 20 ribu, King's 25 ribu saja.
Dine-In: Dining in Magnum Cafe is an experience that requires adequate preparations and planning. Gue dua kali dine in, dan selalu datang jam 10.30, sementara cafe nya sendiri buka jam 11.00. Hal ini dilakukan untuk menghindari antri yang amat sangat. Kalo lo berani diatas jam 12 ke sini, siap2 snack sama keranjang piknik deh, karena nunggunya bisa lebih dari 1 jam. Untung belom pernah. Hari ini hari Senin. Gue tiba jam 11 kurang 10, dan udah ada 2 keluarga menanti di depan pintu masuk magnum cafe. Jam 11.15 pintu dibuka (ngaret, I know, gue udah memberi mas2nya tatapan sinis abis2an), we're ushered to our tables by a costumed man that's pretending to be our royal server or whatever. They call us 'my lady' and 'my lord'. Hari ini, gue mengorder Strawberry Surprise kalo ga salah namanya, which is a stick of magnum vanilla ice cream with strawberries, bananas, strawberry jam or sauce, and dark chocolate, lalu Bram pesen Waffle Aristocrat, yaitu waffle yang disiram coklat dan karamel, dengan 2 stik magnum, plus taburan kacang dan sebuah puff pastry dusted with powdered sugar, dan untuk berdua kita mesen Fiesta del Rey, a chicken, cheese, and bellpeppers quesadilla.

(crappy pics are crappy, I again forgot my camera so these are pics I snapped with my crappy phone camera)
1. Strawberry: damn this dish is good!!!!!!!!! Perfect balance between sweet, sour, and creamy. And there's really nothing better than the best vanilla ice cream + strawberries + bananas + chocolate. There is nothing better. When you lift your ice cream stick and give the dish a stir, it's like a soup of pure goodness and calories. Strawberry sauce is mixed with chocolate and drips of vanilla ice cream. God I can eat this thing all day.
2. Bram's waffles: my verdict: too much, too sweet. His verdict: "Ini enak banget!!!"
3. Fiesta del Rey: decent. This is because I've had way better quesadillas. Bram's verdict (he's never had a quesadilla): "Buat aku ini enak banget!" Jadi kalo lo pernah makan quesadillas beneran, ini biasa aja, tapi judging from betapa sulitnya nemu quesadillas di Jakarta, gue bahagia. Kalo belom pernah, enak banget.
TL;DR, MAGNUM CAFE IS GOOOOOOD. Magnum cafe dan Holycow adalah dua hal yang nggak pernah lelah gue rekomen ke sanak famili, dan biasanya they go hand in hand (Magnum after a nice wagyu is SO AWESOME). Anytime you're in GI, grab a take away. Anytime you have a free morning, eat dine-in.
Magnum Cafe awalnya buka untuk mensupport campaign Magnum yang gila-gilaan. Pertama-tama buka, antrenya kayak antri air di padang pasir. Puaaaanjang bener. Gue juga awalnya ciut. Namun, gue menemukan fakta bahwa sebenernya antriannya itu dua lapis! Lapis pertama yang nggak nahan adalah orang-orang yang mau dine-in, dan lapisan kedua yang seringnya kosong melompong adalah orang-orang yang mau take-away. Gue pun mencoba take away an nya.
Take Away: kalo lo mau take away, ada dua pilihan. Magnum ketengan yang kayak lo bisa beli di indomaret, atau magnum yang datang dari surga. Sekarang gini aja deh. Ngapain lo jauh2 ke GI cuma buat beli magnum yang ada di supermarket terdekat?? Magnum dari surga ini adalah magnum yang bisa lo kreasikan sesuai hati lo. Vanilla atau coklat? (VANILLA) Dicelup dark atau milk chocolate? (MILK) Lalu pilih 2 topping. Toppingnya ada dua kategori, King's atau Prince's. King's itu kayak kacang2an macam almonds hazelnuts etc. Prince's itu biskuit2/sereal, seperti choco crunch, choco rice, vanilla dan oreo cookies etc. Favorit gue yang sudah sangat tried and true adalah VANILLA COOKIES DAN CHOCO CRUNCH. Widih milk chocolatenya itu lho yang nagih. Gue sih makan 1 aja, kalo Bram yang beneran Magnum Mania, 3 atau 4 biji sekaligus. Kayaknya dia sangat cocok jadi maskot Magnum. He thinks it's more addictive than weed. Oh iya harga, kalo lo pesen Prince's, 20 ribu, King's 25 ribu saja.
Dine-In: Dining in Magnum Cafe is an experience that requires adequate preparations and planning. Gue dua kali dine in, dan selalu datang jam 10.30, sementara cafe nya sendiri buka jam 11.00. Hal ini dilakukan untuk menghindari antri yang amat sangat. Kalo lo berani diatas jam 12 ke sini, siap2 snack sama keranjang piknik deh, karena nunggunya bisa lebih dari 1 jam. Untung belom pernah. Hari ini hari Senin. Gue tiba jam 11 kurang 10, dan udah ada 2 keluarga menanti di depan pintu masuk magnum cafe. Jam 11.15 pintu dibuka (ngaret, I know, gue udah memberi mas2nya tatapan sinis abis2an), we're ushered to our tables by a costumed man that's pretending to be our royal server or whatever. They call us 'my lady' and 'my lord'. Hari ini, gue mengorder Strawberry Surprise kalo ga salah namanya, which is a stick of magnum vanilla ice cream with strawberries, bananas, strawberry jam or sauce, and dark chocolate, lalu Bram pesen Waffle Aristocrat, yaitu waffle yang disiram coklat dan karamel, dengan 2 stik magnum, plus taburan kacang dan sebuah puff pastry dusted with powdered sugar, dan untuk berdua kita mesen Fiesta del Rey, a chicken, cheese, and bellpeppers quesadilla.

(crappy pics are crappy, I again forgot my camera so these are pics I snapped with my crappy phone camera)
1. Strawberry: damn this dish is good!!!!!!!!! Perfect balance between sweet, sour, and creamy. And there's really nothing better than the best vanilla ice cream + strawberries + bananas + chocolate. There is nothing better. When you lift your ice cream stick and give the dish a stir, it's like a soup of pure goodness and calories. Strawberry sauce is mixed with chocolate and drips of vanilla ice cream. God I can eat this thing all day.
2. Bram's waffles: my verdict: too much, too sweet. His verdict: "Ini enak banget!!!"
3. Fiesta del Rey: decent. This is because I've had way better quesadillas. Bram's verdict (he's never had a quesadilla): "Buat aku ini enak banget!" Jadi kalo lo pernah makan quesadillas beneran, ini biasa aja, tapi judging from betapa sulitnya nemu quesadillas di Jakarta, gue bahagia. Kalo belom pernah, enak banget.
TL;DR, MAGNUM CAFE IS GOOOOOOD. Magnum cafe dan Holycow adalah dua hal yang nggak pernah lelah gue rekomen ke sanak famili, dan biasanya they go hand in hand (Magnum after a nice wagyu is SO AWESOME). Anytime you're in GI, grab a take away. Anytime you have a free morning, eat dine-in.
oh noooooo, I've tried once and not willing to go back !! the magnum menu creation were too simple to be presented at the cafe, unless you are a celebrity-wanna-be who feels like a star when people sees you queuing up at the hippest and most happening places !!
ReplyDeleteyou should go to the eating places that already open over 2 years, and see and learn how they survive the competitors and dig their real secret, not just go the newest establishment where the definitely is always a magnet for people like you, then after 1 year your favorite resto is already vanished !
hi anon!
ReplyDeletei'm sorry, but i happen to love magnum. anywhere, anyhow. so, it's just a matter of taste :--)
and no, hip is not what i aim for. i have certain establishments that i frequent over the years, but i like to try new things. :--)
no offend, I do like their magnums (not their magnum creation @ the cafe) and always have several magnum in my freezer, for me there's no value at all in putting 2 magnums in a strawberry soup or waffle and put 35k at the price tag, you can just do it at home....and what make it worse when I tried them, I can not change the almond magnum with chocolate magnum, which has the same that is ridiculous, or I might say mediocre, is it?
ReplyDeleteplease do try then the new Ten Ten for cheap and good value tempura (their ebi tendon is excellent,not the beef teriyaki), or Katsusei for their real katsu, Baron Bistro for their Steak tartar or cote de boeuf, the potato rosti of Marche, Emilie of Senopati for their flawless gracious service, Tugu group for their peranakan dishes, Q smoke house for their fried mushroom (huge, juicy and really good)and mediocre service, the famous nasi campur Kenanga, the lobster dishes of St. Louis, the meat platter of Paulaner , the martabak manis with durian, nangka and keju at the corner of fatmawati and cipete (really to die for with thousand of calories that could easily kill) ......see if you like them, but be carefull when you write your opinion even this is your own blog, you might kill some business or mislead others
setuju, cuma enak "magnum dari surga"nya aja karena bisa dicustom hehehehe....
ReplyDeletemas Anon dan mbak Attika coba tambahin listnya biar direview sekalian LangViet (best original Vietnamese dishes), gak banyak yg tau tapi sangat populer dikalangan bule penggemar kuliner asia
@anon: sure will try em all, and I totally agree with emilie's great service! Thanks for all the suggestions!
ReplyDelete@tukang ngemil: haloo,lang viet dimana tuuh? Hehe
bu, Lang Viet di Grand Wijaya centre diruko ruko situ, makanan vietnamnya cukup otentik dan seger :)